Young Living Seedlings Baby Bundle

Young Living introduced a baby line last summer but only offered a few products, fast forward almost a year later and they not only extended the line of individual products but also offer bundles for the baby wipes as well as the whole line bundle. This post is about the whole line bundle which includesContinueContinue reading “Young Living Seedlings Baby Bundle”

Young Living Rose Ointment

I purchased the Young Living Rose ointment on a whim needing something to use at night to help moisturize my hands from the constant hand washing and use of hand sanitizer at work. The ingredients listed on the product have a ton of moisturizing abilities with a ton of different carrier oils and essential oils ofContinueContinue reading “Young Living Rose Ointment”

Savvy Minerals Lipstick

Last year Young Living came out with an all natural makeup line and since I love makeup and I love some of the other products Young Living has to offer I decided to add a few makeup items to my collection. In this post I am going to showcase two out of the five lipsticksContinueContinue reading “Savvy Minerals Lipstick”